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Regular dental care is ESSENTIAL. CLICK HERE to schedule your cleaning online.

Category: Sedation / Sleep Dentistry

Intravenous Conscious Sedation

IV sedation (also known as Intravenous Conscious Sedation) is when a drug is administered into the blood system during dental treatment through an IV inserted through a vein in the body.

While the terms “sleep dentistry” and “twilight sleep” are often used when talking about IV sedation dentistry, it does not mean that the patient is asleep while dental work is being administered. Deep sedation, however, refers to an IV that puts the patient to sleep while dental procedures are being performed.

Before the Procedure

Before beginning your IV sedation, talk with your dentist about any contraindications that may apply to you and affect your body during the sedation. Some of these may include

A Solution for Those Who Are Fearful of Dentistry

If you’re afraid to visit the dentist — don’t worry — you’re in good company. Between 9 percent to 15 percent of Americans say they do not visit their dentist due to fear. That’s somewhere between 27 to 46 million people! Most dental appointments, except for root canals are not painful, but it’s still normal […]